Tuesday, September 16, 2014

All Human

  Now a days people judge others based on what they are. Whether they are light, dark, or tanned. It's just not good enough to be who they are. We also have to be part of a certain group to not be judged, and even then they are still judged. Well I'm sick of it. People should be accepted by who they are, not what they are. It shouldn't matter what they're color of there skin is, whether it be purple or yellow. We are all human, and it's about time we see that.
  When I was younger I used to go to a elementary school that consisted mostly Hispanics. We all talked and learned how to speak English but also Spanish as well, to not forget our language. Then one day my family and I moved. We moved to a neighborhood that was mostly filled with white folk. Sure there was some other Hispanics and African American but mostly white people. To our luck there was a school right around the neighborhood. When I first got to school I didn't think much of it. I knew English and I didn't feel out of place. Until I saw another Hispanic girl, I talked to her. Except when I talked to her she responded back, in Spanish, we don't talk Spanish here, they don't feel comfortable with that. That's when I realized that out of all my grade there was maybe 8 Hispanic kids all together, and most of them didn't know how to speak Spanish. Soon enough my teachers caught on that I knew Spanish. So naturally they thought I needed ESL. They treated me as if I was special and didn't know what I was doing. They saw me as a Hispanic girl, not me. The ESL class for me was just something to get out of my normal class schedule. They didn't teach me anything I didn't know already. Then one day a boy came into my class, a Hispanic boy. The teacher told me that I should help him out, speak to him in Spanish. I felt thrilled! I had someone to speak Spanish with, until I realized that they saw us both as outcasts,misfits,special. Before going to this new school I was quite loud, but after going to this new school I was totally different. I became self conscious of who I was, In fact I didn't know who I was, and became quiet. I'd hate to think that that's why I am who I am today.
  I'm sure they didn't know that what they were doing was harmful. They probably thought it was a way to help me out. To make me fit in. To become more like them. I don't hate them. In all this experience I learned to value myself. To see that who I am nobody else is. I am special, unique.
  All of this brings me back to see others for who they truly are. If people would just take the time and truly meet the person then they would know who they are and not just assume things that are not true. People ought to just see people as human. That they as well are just as valuable as them. That they have feelings and stories. That we are all equal. That we are all human.

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