Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Life of a Bioethicist

My blood rushes. I can hear the silent screams that are happening around me. Step. Step. Step. Another turn and I can be safe. Sigh. I'm here. Looking at the white walls that seem to look yellow now because of time. The screen that stares back at me seems to haunt me, dare me if you will. Telling me to open it up and come and do my job. Well here I go. About 8 years of study to pursue this dream of mine. I reached it and I'm here. Click.
Bangalore, Hospitals. "Blog Details | Medypal." Blog Details | Medypal. Medypal, 1 Mar. 2013. Web. 15 May 2015.

What is a bioethicist to me? It is a way to help others in ways I never thought I could. Being a bioethicist to me would not just be a job, but a way to help others who need advice. To pursue this career would let me reach out to those who are dealing with difficult times and need someone to go to. This works so well to me since I seem to have a knack of doing this so well. Because being a bioethicist isn't just a job you do because you are being paid, but paying attention to what the questions and worries about what will happen or the decision being made.

"Hey, we need you to talk to a family right now," the man who I know as a doctor informs me.
"Yeah sure, what for though?" I ask hoping it might be something not as drastic as yesterday afternoon.
"A man is wondering about choices over life support," he says nonchalant.
"Ok, well I will be with him in a little bit."

What Is Bioethics?

by: Big Think 

It is a typical, average, ordinary day in a high school students life except for the fact that it is a 

Monday, and we all know that Mondays are the worst. Not only do we have to go to school but we 

also have to wait another five days until the weekend. Bummer. So you are in your class and over 

hear Suzie talking to Billy discussing about the college they want to attend and what career they 

want to pursue. Great! On top of it being a Monday they made it worst by reminding you that you 

have absolutely no idea what you want to do with your life. You have asked yourself what are you 

going to do with your life now that you are about to graduate high school. You have tossed and 

turned in your bed countless amount of times asking the same question over and over again 

asking yourself, "What career do I want to do when I grow older?" This is one of the hardest 

questions and most important question since this question leads to a action to which leads to a 


What do I say. What should I do? Of course I'm use to the whole life changing ideas, but I cannot 

get over knowing what I say has a big impact over the decision a patient makes. Being a 

bioethicist has helped me help people's life in so many ways. I make sure though that it is

always for the best. To make their quality of life better.

"So what I'm saying is that it is all up to you to make the decision, but what I told you before is 

your options to make," finally coming to a end to this conversation. There is never a dull moment 

in my job, but I'm grateful to help others the way I do. 

As I leave the room to go to my office I cannot help but think of the life that is being brought and 

the life that is floating out of the hospital at this very second. This job, being a bioethicist, is the 

career I have always wanted to since high school and I can't think of being anywhere else but 

here. Walking down the hall. Going to a office. Making a difference in this world. Being what I was 

called to do.


  1. I am impressed at how thoroughly you researched this topic. I learned so much from your writing, and I thank you for that. Good luck as you make decisions about your future!

  2. I am impressed at how thoroughly you researched this topic. I learned so much from your writing, and I thank you for that. Good luck as you make decisions about your future!
