Thursday, October 23, 2014


  You're about to sleep. You've done your usual routine noncommittally. Brush your teeth, flit to your war and inviting room, have set up your bed and got your covers all laid out, and have jumped implishly down onto your bed. You're smile was as big and ceaseless as the sun and was conspicuous. You knew Hypnos, god of sleep, was going to give you a good nights rest. The ecxcrusiating day you had wrought you and has finally come to it's end. End the misery of that day. The scary night was a beautiful thought. It beckons you to another world like a witch. Infact you could even say you were tired as a person who worked on a entire field of cotton on a hot summers day. Daytime has finally passed away and night is born. No longer was the horrible day and beautiful night coexisting.
  As you were falling into your deep slumber you hear a noise. A noise who has become horribly sweet in your life. The noise that used to haunt you when you were young has now become your best friend. Splat! Tick! Droop! Rain. The enemy of yours who has now become your best friend. The sound that will lullaby you to sleep just like the voice of your mother once did. Rain. A song in its own to claim. Hearing the similiar melody outside of your window makes you feel secured in its arms. The rustling of leaves, the whispers of the wind, and the tiny knocks on your window makes the sheet around you and your bed somehow even more relaxing than ever before riddancing  the day of today. Rain. A friend that decided to come and visit you at the right time, at the right place. Life at that moment can not get any better that that. Hearing the rain as you fall asleep is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. You use the device well to create imagery. Hypnos is a cool allusion! I wonder if you proofread. You've got some interesting errors that impede your meaning just tab. Be careful about that. Also, I wonder if you used words from your personal dictionary? 6-
