I agree with Wash's post about microagression because people need to not assume someone is offending them when they don't understand what they truly meant to say. We all need to understand that not everyone has the same thought of mind as the we do. So when we hear a comment about something that we are delicate too we ought to just ignore it and not think much of it, because we need to be more open minded.
There is people that take a comment and overthink the comment. They don't stop and think that 'Hey maybe it's not suppose to be offending and more like a question or comment'. But instead the believe in what they thought they "heard".
By simply saying something as common as, "Where are you from?" a person from another country might think of it as, "Go back to where you came from!". Which is crazy! That person never said anything to that similar manner and to put words into someone's mouth is not correct. We need to value each word as it is said and not assume something that was never meant to be assumed.
People need to understand that what they think and do is not what everyone else thinks. Nobody was born with the same mom. Meaning not everyone was taught the same morals or views. Nobody is like anybody else because of how they were thought and raised but that doesn't serve as a excuse to judge a person by what they do or say. We don't know how they think.
A women could be behind a man and he opens the door to the woman because that is what was thought to him. He doesn't know she is a feminist, and so she feels offended because she thinks she's a minority to him and because of that she needs help. That man was taught to be a gentleman and hold the door for a lady. The woman took his action of kindness and turned it upside down. She did not think that he was just doing what he was taught to do. She over thought the action, and making the action much bigger than what it was intend to mean. A act of kindness.
1.) We don't need to overthink a comment or action
2.) We need to understand that we all think differently therefore not everything we think as rude or critical is actually so
3.) We need not to take comments or actions to the heart because they were never meant to
As a generation of microagression we need to stop being so sensitive. Open our ears with no filters. Understand that the whole world isn't revolving just around us, but others as well. This includes the thoughts and actions of others. Accept that there is a certain way to act towards one another, and that includes being more open to other thoughts and ideas. By being sensitive you get nowhere. This whole world is filled with different cultures, politics, and religions that we might not always agree with. But with all that, that is what makes this whole wide world a big beautiful mess.
I wonder what your argument is. This reads like you've just taken Walsh's argument and argued his same points. Do you see the difference? If you had included reasons why you agree with him and then included your own specific examples that support your reason, you would have had a central voice in the argument. As is, you've mimicked Walsh's voice, and that's not the task we need to accomplish. 3-